COVID-19 Update

Niagara Kraze is Niagara County’s premiere family fitness and fun center. Our goal will always be to provide a clean, safe, and extremely fun environment for our guests. Our extremely high standards have risen even higher amidst the pandemic. We’re focused on providing our customers the best value in family entertainment and to help limit the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to keep our guests as safe as possible.

CURRENTLY TAKING BOOKINGS THROUGH:  12-31-2022 (Please do not book any events after this date!)

While the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly provided unwanted challenges, our facility is available for private events, parties, and open play sessions. Below is a list of guidelines that will be implemented for all sessions and events.

  • All attendees should use the hand sanitizer station at the front doors immediately upon entry into the facility and the others positioned around the facility several times during their visit.
  • Each adult attendee will be required to sign a waiver for his/her group of children upon entry.
  • No outside food or drink will be permitted to be brought inside the facility. If you are celebrating a birthday and would like to bring a cake (PRIVATE EVENTS ONLY), that is fine, providing it does not need to be refrigerated. Affordably priced beverages, candy, chips and prepackaged snacks will be available for purchase from Niagara Kraze.
  • We understand that state and federal guidelines are now changing on a fairly regular basis. Guidance provided today may not apply at the time your event takes place. That said, we encourage everyone to do their best to follow the state and federal guidance that is in place at the time of your event. However, ultimately, we believe that everyone should do what they believe is best for themselves and their families.
  • All food and drink must be consumed while seated at a table!

CURRENTLY TAKING BOOKINGS THROUGH:  12-31-2022 (Please do not book any events after this date!)